Kong skull island movie 2017 poster
Kong skull island movie 2017 poster

kong skull island movie 2017 poster

NASA launched a satellite program known as LANDSAT in the early 1970s, where satellites would map out the entire world from space. Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts confirmed that the story takes place in the 1970s, while revealing how this iconic island was discovered. debuted a new photo featuring stars Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson and John Goodman exploring a massive bone yard on the island, with an ape skull dwarfing the cast. Director Jordan Vogt-Roberts has previously teased that this version of King Kong will stand roughly 100 feet tall, but hopefully we'll get more specific details during the Comic Con panel tomorrow. One of these motion posters features an unnamed character standing atop a huge skull while holding a green flare, and we see a similar image in this poster, except now we can see King Kong towering over this person. The poster, which debuted on Twitter this morning, is actually quite similar to motion posters that teased this massive ape is coming. It was previously teased that this ape will be the biggest version of King Kong ever seen on the big screen, and from the looks of this poster, that doesn't seem to be an exaggeration. We've already seen new posters from Wonder Woman, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, but now we have a new one-sheet from Kong: Skull Island that gives us our first glimpse at the massive King Kong. has been unveiling posters for all of its new movies that will be put on display during their Hall H panel tomorrow morning at Comic-Con.

Kong skull island movie 2017 poster